#73185FE – Coffee & Tea Import and Wholesale, Texas

Business Description:

For a quarter of a century our client has been selling to high end restaurants, hotels and cafes the finest coffee beans roasted in-house into perfect blends for superior brewing. The company’s clients are 100% commercial accounts. They also sell the best commercial and home brewing machines. A northern Texas success in the commercial arena with a long list of the finest restaurants, cafes and hotel groups populating their customer list. The company also imports the finest tea brands from around the world. Apart from custom coffee and tea blends the company also services the equipment they sell and are trained and experienced in all aspects of machine repair. They also carry an inventory of spare parts. This is an outstanding opportunity to build on an existing brand with knowledgeable and experienced staff and outstanding clientele. The owners will lease the existing premises to the new owners.

Refer to File #73185FE. Please respond with your name, email/mailing address and telephone/fax no. (s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.

Listing Price: Secondary Business Type: Business Service
Gross Revenue: $2,308,560.00 Year Established: 1998
Cash Flow: $114,706.00 Employees: 6FT, 2PT
EBITDA; $114,706.00 Support & Training: Negotiable
FF&E: Reason for Selling:
Inventory: $149,069.00 Office Reference : #73185FE
Real Estate: Contact : Charles Harvey
Included in Sale: Yes Email: ae@ibectx.com
Primary Business Type: Wholesale & Distributor, Food - Coffee, Tea Phone: 512-310-2966

Photo: Coffee Beans
By Milo Miloezger, Unsplash
Attribution 2.0 Generic