#72914FE – Waste Management Company, Louisiana#72386CEH

Waste Management company serving 75% residential and 25% commercial. The commercial clients are dumpster pick-ups. Twenty five years in business starting with a pick up and now 8 trucks and 22 employees servicing 6000 customers Monday – Saturday. The business is run through a computerized routing system to highlight efficiency. The present owner is prepared to spend as much time is as necessary training new ownership. The business is located within perfect proximity to the landfill. The company has grown by word of mouth over its existence without any advertising. There is a 3000 sq. ft. workshop on the premises which is 3+ acres. There is also a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home on the premises.

Refer to file #72914FE. Please respond with your name, mailing address and telephone/fax number(s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.

Listing Price: Secondary Business Type:
Gross Revenue: $2,558,023.00 Year Established: 1997
Cash Flow: $1,102,046.00 Employees: 25
EBITDA; $1,102,046.00 Support & Training:
FF&E: Reason for Selling:
Inventory: Office Reference : #72914FE
Real Estate: Owned Contact : Charles Harvey
Included in Sale: Yes Email: ae@ibectx.com
Primary Business Type: Transportation & Public Utilities, Refuse Systems Phone: 512-310-2966

Photo: Mack TerraPro
Photographer: Jason Lawrence
Licenses: Attribution 2.0 Generic