This unique listing consists of two separate entities, a used car dealership and the financing entity which are both owned individually by the seller. Established for over 38 years the owner who is mostly absentee has a complete sales & management staff in place for new ownership. The dealership acquires vehicles for resale then if the buyer requires financing the dealership sells the note to the financing entity. The financial analysis below reflects the business’s consolidated financial statements. The 1 5/8-acre lot is in NE Ft. Worth Texas and is included within this offering. Substantial vehicle inventory is also included. Seller motivated!
Refer to File #73000RG. Please respond with your name, email/mailing address and telephone/fax no. (s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.
Listing Price: | Secondary Business Type: | Business Service; Financing | |
Gross Revenue: | $975,668.00 | Year Established: | 1984 |
Cash Flow: | $234,170.00 | Employees: | 4 |
EBITDA; | $234,170.00 | Support & Training: | Negotiable |
FF&E: | $793,419.00 | Reason for Selling: | |
Inventory: | $149,348.00 | Office Reference : | #73000RG |
Real Estate: | Owned | Contact : | Charles Harvey |
Included in Sale: | Yes | Email: | |
Primary Business Type: | Retail, Motor Vehicle Dealer | Phone: | 512-310-2966 |
Photo: Row of Cars at a Car Dealership
Photographer: EveryCarListed P
Licenses: Attribution 2.0 Generic