#72922FE – Country Resort for Pet Boarding and Expert Training Services, Wise County, Texas

Business Description:

A superb, award-winning, boarding, grooming and training facility located in a park like setting with 120 separate kennels. The staff is knowledgeable and benefits from ongoing training. There are 20 security cameras on the premises and every entrance/Exit is covered. the facility was designed by a retired Veterinarian which helped to build a sound, well-functioning facility. The business draws clients from the surrounding 7 counties and has an active client list of over 2600 registered clients. There are no direct competitors in the area who offer the quality of care. The main building is 10,000 sq.ft. and is located on 3.66 acres. The real Estate is included in the sale. With 54 Indoor /outdoor Kennel runs, indoor training room, outdoor pool and a central Vac System and security cameras, this is a pet enthusiasts dream set up.

Refer to File #72922FE. Please respond with your name, email/mailing address and telephone/fax no. (s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.

Listing Price: Secondary Business Type:
Gross Revenue: $459,873.00 Year Established: 2005
Cash Flow: $100,076.00 Employees: 8FT, 2PT
EBITDA; $100,076.00 Support & Training: Negotiable
FF&E: $662,979.00 Reason for Selling:
Inventory: $9,540.00 Office Reference : #72922FE
Real Estate: Owned Contact : Charles Harvey
Included in Sale: Yes Email: ae@ibectx.com
Primary Business Type: Animal Specialty Services Phone: 512-310-2966

Photo: Dog Groomer
Photographer: J. Balla Photography
Licenses: Attribution 2.0 Generic