#72861JE – Automobile Service Company, Travis Co., Texas

Business Description:

Premier exhaust specialist in Central, Texas. Operating since 1975. Strives to provide the highest quality service and maintain the high reputation it has endured. Services involve installations of catalytic converters, other emission devices, complete or partial repair of exhaust components. Other services involve high performance and customer exhaust parts. Customer breakdown is 50% residential, 25% dealership, and 25% body shops. Location has a 2,800 square foot shop with four auto lifts. The lot is approximately 1/2 AC. Seller owns the property and will lease to new owner. Active Social Media presence. Excellent reputation on Yelp and Google reviews. Typically serves 15 customers a day and 75 per week. 3 fulltime employees and one part-time.

Refer to File #72861JE. Please respond with your name, email/mailing address and telephone/fax no. (s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.

Listing Price: Secondary Business Type:
Gross Revenue: $896,341.00 Year Established: 1975
Cash Flow: $329,417.00 Employees: 3 FT, 1 PT
EBITDA; $329,417.00 Support & Training: Negotiable
FF&E: Reason for Selling:
Inventory: $54,996.00 Office Reference : #72861JE
Real Estate: Owned Contact : Charles Harvey
Included in Sale: Yes Email: ae@ibectx.com
Primary Business Type: Auto Repair and Service Phone: 512-310-2966

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