#72268MM – Manufacturer/Distributor of Medical Devices for Respiratory Market, Hood County, Texas

Business Description:

The company is in a niche in the medical field for the manufacturer and distribution of respiratory products and replacement parts to the markets they serve. The company holds patents on products they manufacturer. Also have a relationship with Distributors for distributing the products. The company has multiple locations and global manufacture ring of their products.

Refer to file #72268MM. Please respond with your name, mailing address and telephone/fax number(s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.

Listing Price: Secondary Business Type: Distribution; Medical Equipment
Gross Revenue: $1,218,234.00 Year Established: 2003
Cash Flow: $123,701.00 Employees: 9
EBITDA; $123,701.00 Support & Training: Negotiable
FF&E: $224,312.00 Reason for Selling:
Inventory: $410,048.00 Office Reference : #72268MM
Real Estate: Contact : Charles Harvey
Included in Sale: Yes Email: ae@ibectx.com
Primary Business Type: Wholesale Trade; Medical Equipment Phone: 512-310-2966