#72978JE: Full Service Wellsite Geology Company, Texas

Business Description:

A full-service wellsite geology and mudlogging organization for onshore operators of Oil & Gas Operators in North America. The company also provides advanced services including Mass Spec, XRF, and XRD on site of the well location. One of the only mudlogging companies that owns it’s own propriety mass spectrometer. Company provides full interpretation of the data to help clients drill and complete wells more successfully. Over the past 12 months, the company has built four mass spectrometers and purchased two new XRF machines. Company has small turnover in employees and customer sales. Turnover in entry level positions is less than averages for the industry.

Refer to File #72978JE. Please respond with your name, email/mailing address and telephone/fax no. (s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.

Listing Price: Secondary Business Type:
Gross Revenue: $7,271,890.00 Year Established: 2016
Cash Flow: $1,444,250.00 Employees: 80 FT, 1 PT
EBITDA; $1,444,250.00 Support & Training: Negotiable
FF&E: $1,117,960.00 Reason for Selling:
Inventory: Office Reference : #72978JE
Real Estate: Contact : Charles Harvey
Included in Sale: Yes Email: ae@ibectx.com
Primary Business Type: Mining, Oil and Gas Field Services Phone: 512-310-2966

Photo: Rig
Photographer: Lindsey G
Licenses: Attribution 2.0 Generic